The advocates brand is satisfied customers who become promoters of your brand and have great influence on the internet to attract and convert to other consumers.
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In an age when consumers seek recommendations from their peers before making a purchase decision, brand advocate , also called brand ambassadors, become an important part of your digital marketing strategy.
Who are they?
They have become the main spokespersons to extend the reach of your brand by promoting "word of mouth"; Your opinions, heard by prospects, are more authentic and truthful than advertisements.
Their comments about your product or service are based on their direct experiences and therefore resonate both on the internet and in their everyday conversations with friends and family.
According to a survey on brand advocates conducted by the firm Zuberance , 70 percent made recommendations on at least five brands in a year and 16 percent went much further recommending a minimum of 15 products or services in that period.
What motivates them?
Respondents' reasons for recommending products or services include:
Had a good experience with the brand ( 50 percent) .
Feel the desire to help other consumers ( 37 percent) .
They did so in response to a specific query ( 8 percent).
Another survey, conducted by Nielsen, investigated what consumers trust when it comes to brands: Not surprisingly, recommendations from people they know are more important to 92 percent and opinions posted by other consumers on the market are more important to 70 percent. Internet.
As you can see, it is a necessity to empower these brand promoters and find a way to make them your allies for different purposes.
How do they benefit your brand?
The advocates brand can serve, among other things, to:
Increase the visibility of your brand.
Modify previous negative perceptions of some consumers.
Promote your brand identity or improve your reputation.
Influence consumer purchasing decisions.
How to identify them?
Use monitoring tools to detect positive opinions about your brand on the internet, particularly on social platforms, and keep an eye on what they comment on your own accounts or in their interactions with the customer service area.
These are customers so satisfied with the experience they had with your brand that they are willing to share it with others, with or without consultation.
It also tracks user interaction on your website so that you have information about what interests them and what content they spend the most time on.
How to make them allies?
Once identified, it is time for you to establish a direct and personalized relationship with them. To that end, these tips will be useful:
Get to know them thoroughly, follow up and get them noticed by sharing the positive comments they make about your brand.
Open a communication channel and encourage them to follow your social media accounts and share their content with their network of contacts.
Give them special treatment and offer them exclusive benefits to increase their loyalty and commitment.
Ask them for a testimonial about their experience with which other consumers who have a similar need can be identified.
In this infographic you can see how you can attract them and what their profile is:
¿ Advocate or influencer ?
The difference between one and the other is that the former acts based on the enthusiasm born of their good experience with your brand, while the influencer is an internet celebrity who receives a payment in cash or kind for recommending her. Even though the latter may have a large following, the voice of the advocate will always arouse more trust among other consumers.
Identify customers who are already willing to speak well of your brand and nurture that loyalty relationship. There is a lot you can win.
How do you follow up on what is said about your brand on the internet? Do you have your most satisfied customers identified? How do you foster that relationship?
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